Tillie Ride Day 5 Video Update – CHECK IT OUT!
We made it! A total of 264 miles. All the way to Chicago! Thank you SO much for all your support and encouragement. We are so happy to be here and proud of our whole team. Here’s a brief update and we’ll post more when we’ve recovered. We are grateful! Woohoo. And I’m standing here right now with Alice and Terry Roepke, Tillie’s grand-niece 🙂
Highlights of the day in pictures… Spirits were high on Day 5. Our shortest mileage day (about 45), nearing our goal, and sunny!
And me! Sue–a.k.a. Flash. Not shown here are Sam (technical/navigation/sound wizard) and Alyson, who the kids referred to as ‘video lady.’ Here’s me and Bob when we reached the neighborhoods of South Chicago.
We were welcomed in style by the students at JW Cook Elementary who had made signs of all the lessons I’d been sending them. My mom and dad were in the audience, too!

Here I am with Alice Roepke, Tillie’s Grandniece. We were already friends, but what a thrill to finally meet her!
This is the amazing display Alice made for her presentation at the Swedish American Museum. It was like Tillie was looking right at us with her frank gaze. I love Tillie! She’s such an inspiration. And I love Alice and Terry (Alice’s husband) just as much.
For all the teachers and principals I’ve been corresponding with, please tell your students they will hear from me next week. They’ve done a fabulous job: Thank you so much to Dave Huyser and Marcella Arens at North Park Elementary; Dave Gough at Pine Creek Elementary; Barb Burghard at Glenn Elementary; Paula Reed and Tonya Kimmerly at Coloma Middle School; Sharyn Kaatz at Morton Elementary; Sarah Audiss at Wolford Elementary; Rob Bauer at Marsh Elementary; and Caity Tully at J.W. Cook Elementary. You did a fabulous job of preparing the students! I will never forget the warm reception you gave the Tillie Ride team.